by Diane | | Rabbits & Cavies
Cavy Pet- such captivating characters! Considering a cavy pet? Also known as Guinea Pigs, a cavy pet might be perfect for your family. While these little fur-friends are often overlooked, those that enjoy their companionship, know the joys that these adorable little...
by Diane | | All Pets, Cats, Dogs, Rabbits & Cavies, Uncategorized
Thanksgiving with Pets Do you celebrate Thanksgiving with pets I your home? Preparing food, cleaning and setting up for guests, and the many preparations might challenge anyone. However, including our pets in the preparation and events of the day offers yet another...
by Diane | | Rabbits & Cavies
Rabbits are fun pets! Some consider rabbits to be a dull pet that just sits in a cage, waiting for his food to be delivered. However, reality offers a much different image. Although many a pet rabbit is mainly a cuddly companion, others enjoy plenty of...