Ideal Pets
Pet Rabbits make ideal companions for people of all ages.
Quiet and easy to care for, rabbits show affection and bond with their humans.
Pet Rabbits – sizes and colors
Pet rabbits range in size from the tiny Netherland Dwarf to the Flemish Giant. Dwarfs might reach 2 pounds or more; Giants often exceed 15 pounds. Many other breeds and mixes weigh in between.
Further, body types vary, as well. Some are quite compact, others, like the English Spot, appear racy.
Ears differ, too. Some are short and upright. Others long and upright. Some hang to the side in a lop version. Lop ears might be short and form a cute horseshoe appearance. Other lop ears, such as the English Lop, grow long.
Fur and Colors in Pet Rabbits
The ARBA recognizes 4 fur types on rabbits, normal, rex, satin, and wool. Further, the normal fur might be a short flyback type which appears sleek, or a longer rollback version, often thicker. Other variations appear in each category, as well.
Normal, rex, and satin fur requires minimal care. Naturally clean, rabbits seldom need bathing, though they often enjoy a light brushing.
Wool breeds appear in shorter length wool, as well as very long. Regular brushing with the occasional trim, if needed, keeps them looking pristine beautiful.
Pick a color and you might find a rabbit matching it. Breeders, like pet owners, like variety. In addition to color variety, patterns and even blends offer more choices.
Easy to Care for and Love
Pet rabbits entertain, love, and cuddle. While some enjoy handling more than others, each exhibits a unique personality. Easily trained to walk on a leash, many also learn a few tricks. Most easily learn to use a litterbox. Although all love to chew, so leaving them free to roam your home is not advised. Dangers they might find include electrical cords and furnishings.
Your setup should include a safe, roomy cage, food dish, water dish or bottle, bedding, and a few toys. Chew toys are a favorite, but many enjoy other toys, too.
Rabbit pellets form the base of most bunny diets, but consider adding a bit of hay and some fresh vegetable treats. Keep the water fresh and clean. Hay offers roughage to help keep the intestinal tract running well. Most bunnies also enjoy a mineral salt block wheel to chew on or lick.
Feed your pet once or twice a day, according to his needs and yours. If the pellets get wet, replace them. Rabbits avoid wet or old pellets.
Grooming your pet rabbits
Your grooming kit consists of a soft brush and a nail clipper, unless you share your home with a wool breed. Slicker brushes and combs keep the wool breed coats tangle-free and clean. Keep the nails clipped, carefully avoiding the quick which contains blood. If you happen to nick it, just reach for a styptic powder or a bit of cornstarch to stop the bleeding. Many pet stores offer nail clipping at the store, for owners needing help with that.
Most pet rabbits are kept indoors and produce no odor, if cages are kept clean. Outside bunnies need to be protected from excessive heat and cold, and from predators. Even the neighbor’s cat might be tempted with an unattended bunny.
Easy to keep at home, bunnies also travel well. However, when you must be away, a friend or neighbor often offers to bunny-sit. Ensure that you provide enough food and bedding for the time you will be gone.
One of the easiest pets to share your home with, pet rabbits continue to rise in popularity. Consider adding one (or two!) of these fur-friends to your home.
Pets for all ages
Pet rabbits claim love and companionship with people of all ages. Young children require monitoring, of course. Many young adults share their home with a rabbit or 2.
Older adults often find rabbits to be the ideal pet. Much like a small dog or cat, rabbits offer benefits that other pets do not. Rabbits often live to 7-10 years or more, making them an ideal pet for seniors. Rabbits offer emotional support, too. Elderly needing a best friend find pet rabbits perfect. <see pets for seniors>
Pet rabbits enjoy their people, but can also enjoy hobbies with them. Some are involved in rabbit shows. Others enjoy a leisurely outing in a safe area on leash.
For those active little athletes, rabbit hopping often proves to be fun for bunnies and bunny buddies. <see bunny hopping> Although not available everywhere as a sport, owners might set up a course in their own backyard. Invite a few bunny friends over and enjoy some friendly competition. To make the day complete, serve carrots or carrot cake for snacks!
For more information on these little fur-friends, see our post on Rabbits are Fun Pets!