Home is where you relax with your family and pets. 67 million households have at least one pet, according to a 2012 survey. That is almost 70% of all US households!
Even when the economy is faltering, Americans hold tight to their pets. They are a part of our families and many state they consider their pet to be a true family member.
What makes a good pet for your home?
That answer will vary, depending on the family. Some prefer a dog that will play ball and warmly welcome the family when they come home. Others prefer the cat’s ability to stay alone through the day without the need for being walked. Some prefer the rabbit, safely kept in his cage when he cannot be watched for chewing, yet often as cuddly as a cat or dog.
The perfect pet for your family also depends on where you live, your family lifestyle, and even your family income. Before choosing a pet, give considerable thought to your family life now and in the foreseeable future. Do you have a fenced yard? Is there enough extra in your budget to cover normal food and vet care, along with possible emergencies? Do you travel often?
Give consideration to your personalities in your family, too. Is your family the active, outdoor type or is family time for you indoor board games or movies on television? Is perfect neatness essential or will you laugh about the tufts of hair some dog breeds leave on the carpet?
Whatever your preference, there are some basic needs to be met: good nutrition, proper care and handling, training, grooming, and veterinary care. If you have a question that is not yet answered on our site, please feel free to comment below and we will respond. You may also contact me directly on our contact page. Please consider joining our Facebook page, too. Join Pet-Counsel on Facebook.